Dr. Xiaochen Li is an associate professor at School of Software, Dalian University of Technology. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Software Verification and Validation Laboratory (SVV) of the University of Luxembourg. He has co-worked with Prof. Domenico Bianculli and Prof. Lionel Briand (IEEE/ACM Fellow). He received the bachelor degree, the master degree, and the PhD degree at School of Software, Dalian University of Technology, China. His PhD supervisor is Prof. He Jiang. Before university, he graduated from Harbin No. 3 High School, Harbin, China. He is a member of ACM, IEEE, and CCF (China Computer Federation).
His research interest is Intellgent Software Engineering and Software Testing, with a focus on Industrial Software. In these researches, he uses the crowd knowledge of software, together with the techniques of representation learning, natural language and code analysis, and software testing, to solve the problems of identifying, understanding, and locating software bugs. He has published more than 30 papers in the top-tier venues in software engineering, such as ACM/IEEE transactions (TOSEM, TSE, TRel), ICSE, and ICPC. The techniques have been deployed in Huawei, BGL BNP Paribas.
His research group is looking for students, who have interests in software engineering. Self-motivated bachelor students are also warmly welcomed. Any interest or question, please contact via emails on the page top.
Journal Papers
[TRel'25] PCBSmith: An Effective Schematic Generator for Testing PCB Design Tool Chain
Xu Zhao, He Jiang, Xiaochen Li, Shikai Guo, Zhilei Ren, Peiyu Zou
IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 2024, DOI:10.1109/TR.2025.3529303. -
[TOSEM'24] Learning-Based Relaxation of Completeness Requirements for Data Entry Forms
Hichem Belgacem, Xiaochen Li, Domenico Bianculli, Lionel C. Briand
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 2024, Article No.: 77, Pages 1-32. -
[TRel'24] What Causes Bugs in Numerical Simulation Software? An Empirical Study
Xiaochen Li, Youcheng Zhu, Shikai Guo, He Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 2024, DOI:10.1109/TR.2024.3492380. -
[TSE'24] A Testing Program and Pragma Combination Selection Based Framework for High-Level Synthesis Tool Pragma-Related Bug Detection
He Jiang, Zun Wang, Zhide Zhou, Xiaochen Li, Shikai Guo, Weifeng Sun, Tao Zhang
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 2024, 50(4): 937-955. -
[TOSEM'23] A Machine Learning Approach for Automated Filling of Categorical Fields in Data Entry Forms (CCF A)
Hichem Belgacem, Xiaochen Li, Domenico Bianculli, Lionel C. Briand
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 2023, 32(2): 47:1-47:40. -
[TRel'23] Simulink Compiler Testing via Configuration Diversification with Reinforcement Learning
Xiaochen Li, Shikai Guo, Hongyi Cheng, He Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 2023, 73(2): 1060-1074. -
[TSE'23] DupHunter: Detecting Duplicate Pull Requests in Fork-Based Development (CCF A)
He Jiang, Yulong Li, Shikai Guo, Xiaochen Li, Tao Zhang, Hui Li, Rong Chen
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2023, 49(4): 2920-2940. -
[TSE'22] Detecting Compiler Warning Defects via Diversity-Guided Program Mutation (CCF A)
Yixuan Tang, He Jiang, Zhide Zhou, Xiaochen Li, Zhilei Ren, Weiqiang Kong
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2022, 48(11): 4411-4432. -
[TSE'22] DPWord2Vec: Better Representation of Design Patterns in Semantics (CCF A)
Dong Liu, He Jiang, Xiaochen Li, Zhilei Ren, Lei Qiao, and Zuohua Ding
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2022, 48(4): 1228-1248. -
[TSE'22] CTOS: Compiler Testing for Optimization
Sequences of LLVM (CCF A)
He Jiang, Zhide Zhou, Zhilei Ren, Jingxuan Zhang, Xiaochen Li
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2022, 48(7): 2339-2358. -
[SCIS'21] Toward Accurate Detection on Change Barriers (CCF B)
Tingting Lv, Zhilei Ren, Xiaochen Li, Guojun Gao, and He Jiang
SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 2021, Vol. 61, pp.132102:1-17. -
[JCST'21] An Empirical Comparison between API Tutorials and API Crowd Documentation (CCF B)
Yixuan Tang, Zhilei Ren, He Jiang, Xiaochen Li, and Weiqiang Kong
Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 2021, Vol. 36(4), pp.856-876. -
[EMSE'21] A Systemic Framework for Crowdsourced Test Report Quality Assessment (CCF B)
Xin Chen, He Jiang, Xiaochen Li, Liming Nie, Dongjin Yu, Tieke He, and Zhenyu Chen
Empirical Software Engineering. 2021, Vol. 25, pp.1382-1418. -
[TSE'20] Bridging Semantic Gaps between Natural Languages and APIs with Word Embedding (CCF A)
Xiaochen Li, He Jiang, Yasutaka Kamei, Xin Chen
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2020, Vol. 46(10), pp.1081-1097. -
[TOSEM'19] Recommending New Features from Mobile App Descriptions (CCF A)
He Jiang, Jingxuan Zhang, Xiaochen Li, Zhilei Ren, David Lo, Xindong Wu, and Zhongxuan Luo
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 2019, Vol. 28(4), Article No. 22. -
[SCIS'19] Selection of Compiler-optimization Sequences (CCF B)
Guojun Gao, Zhilei Ren, Jingxuan Zhang, Xiaochen Li, and He Jiang
SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 2019, Vol. 49(10), pp.1267-1282. -
[TRel'19] Toward Better Summarizing Bug Reports with Crowdsourcing Elicited Attributes [Material]
He Jiang, Xiaochen Li, Zhilei Ren, Jifeng Xuan, Zhi Jin
IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 2019, Vol. 68(1), pp.2-22. -
[TOIT'18] Fuzzy Clustering of Crowdsourced Test Reports for Apps (CCF B)
He Jiang, Xin Chen, Tieke He, Zhenyu Chen, Xiaochen Li
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. 2018, Vol. 18(2), pp.18:1-18:28. -
[TSC'16] QECK: Query Expansion Based on Crowd Knowledge for Code Search (CCF B)
Liming Nie, He Jiang, Zhilei Ren, Zeyi Sun, Xiaochen Li
IEEE Transactions on Service Computing. 2016, Vol. 9(5), pp.771-783. -
[FCS'16] Source Code Fragment Summarization with Small-scale Crowdsourcing based Features (CCF C)
Najam Nazar, He Jiang, Guojun Gao, Tao Zhang, Xiaochen Li, Zhilei Ren
Frontiers of Computer Science. 2016, Vol. 10, pp.504-517.
Conference Papers
[DAC'23] Partition Based Differential Testing for Finding Embedded Code Generation Bugs in Simulink (CCF A) [Slides] [Video]
He Jiang, Hongyi Cheng, Shikai Guo, Xiaochen Li
Design Automation Conference. San Francisco, USA. pp. 1-6 -
[SANER'23] Detecting JavaScript Transpiler bugs with Grammar-guided Mutation (CCF B)
Le Chen, Zhide Zhou, Xiaochen Li, He Jiang
IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering. Macao, China. pp. 558-568. -
[ICSE'22] Automated Patching for Unreproducible Builds (CCF A)
Zhilei Ren, Shiwei Sun, Jifeng Xuan, Xiaochen Li, Zhide Zhou, He Jiang
International Conference on Software Engineering. Pittsburgh, USA. pp. 200-211. -
[FSE'22] Detecting Simulink compiler bugs via controllable zombie blocks mutation (CCF A)
Shikai Guo, He Jiang, Zhihao Xu, Xiaochen Li, Zhilei Ren, Zhide Zhou, Rong Chen
Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. Singapore. pp. 1061-1072. -
[ISSRE'22] Remgen: Remanufacturing a Random Program Generator for Compiler Testing (CCF B)
Haoxin Tu, He Jiang, Xiaochen Li, Zhilei Ren, Zhide Zhou, Lingxiao Jiang
Proceedings of the 33rd edition of the International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering. Charlotte, USA. pp. 529-540. -
[PPSN'20] Many-objective Test Database Generation for SQL (CCF B)
Zhilei Ren, Shaozheng Dong, Xiaochen Li, Zhongzheng Chi, He Jiang
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature. Leiden, Netherlands. pp.1-14. -
[ICPC'18] Unsupervised Deep Bug Report Summarization (CCF B) [Material]
Xiaochen Li, He Jiang, Dong Liu, Zhilei Ren, Ge Li
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension. Gothenburg, Sweden. pp.144-155. -
[SANER'18] Automated Quality Assessment for Crowdsourced Test Reports of Mobile Applications (CCF B)
Xin Chen, He Jiang, Xiaochen Li, Tieke He, Zhenyu Chen
International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering. Campobasso, Italy. pp.368-379. -
[APSEC'18] How are Issue Units Linked? Empirical Study on the Linking Behavior in GitHub (CCF C)
Lisha Li, Zhilei Ren, Xiaochen Li, Weiqin Zou, He Jiang
Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference. Nara, Japan. pp.386-395. -
[ICSE'17] What Causes My Test Alarm? Automatic Cause Analysis for Test Alarms in System and Integration Testing (CCF A) [Material]
He Jiang, Xiaochen Li, Zijiang Yang, Jifeng Xuan
International Conference on Software Engineering. Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.712-723. -
[SNAER'16] A More Accurate Model for Finding Tutorial Segments Explaining APIs (CCF B)
He Jiang, Jingxuan Zhang, Xiaochen Li, Zhilei Ren, and David Lo
International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering. Osaka, Japan. pp.157-167. -
[SSBSE'15] Transformed Search Based Software Engineering: A New Paradigm of SBSE
He Jiang, Zhilei Ren, Xiaochen Li, Xiaochen Lai
Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering. Bergamo, Italy. pp.203-218. -
[Internetware'14] What makes a good app description?
He Jiang, Hongjing Ma, Zhilei Ren, Jingxuan Zhang, Xiaochen Li
Internetware. Hongkong, China. pp.45-53.
- National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023-2025
- The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2022-2023
- Group talk, Detecting Simulink Compiler Bugs via Controllable Zombie Blocks Mutation, FSE'22 (The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering), Singapore, Nov. 14-18, 2022. [Slides][Video]
- Invited talk, Bug Report Summarization, School of Software, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China, Sep. 19, 2018. [Slide]
- Invited talk, Semantic Estimation for Texts in Software Engineering, POSL Lab, Kyushu University, Kyushu, Japan, Nov. 1, 2017. [Slide]
- Group talk, Unsupervised Deep Bug Report Summarization, ICPC'18 (The 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 27, 2018. [Slide]
- Group talk, What Causes My Test Alarm? Automatic Cause Analysis for Test Alarms in System and Integration Testing, ICSE'17 (The 39th International Conference on Software Engineering), Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 26, 2017. [Slide]
- Reviewer, TSE (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering), 2020, 2023, 2024
- Reviewer, EMSE (Empirical Software Engineering), 2022
- Program committee member, QRS (Software Quality, Reliability, and Security), 2022-2025
- Program committee member, ESEC/FSE Tutorials-track, 2022
- Program committee member, ICSME The Late Breaking Ideas Track, 2020
- Program committee member, PICOM (IEEE PICOM Workshop KDBD), 2020
- Reviewer, JSME (Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution), 2021
- Reviewer, TSE (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering), 2020
- Reviewer, HASQ (International Workshop on Human and Social Aspect of Software Quality), 2016
- 2015-2018, The Second-class Scholarship for PhD Candidates, Dalian University of Technology
- 2012-2014, The Second-class Scholarship for Master Students, Dalian University of Technology
- 2012, Outstanding Graduates, Dalian University of Technology
- 2010, The Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship, Dalian University of Technology